Bartek Zakrzewski

Hello! 👋

My name is Bartek. I'm a DevOps Engineer.

This website is an example of my work.

More information about my experience or education can be found at my LinkedIn profile.

Profile picture

About this website

While this website may appear straightforward in design, it is supported by a robust and somewhat excessive underlying infrastructure.

Its infrastructure is represented on a diagram:

Infrastructure Diagram

It's built using:

💡 Check out the repository to see some samples of my code.

My skills

AWS Automation Monitoring Linux IaaC Other
ECS GitLab CI Grafana Administration Terraform Node.js
VPC Cypress Prometheus Routing Ansible Bash
API Gateway Jenkins Elastic Networking Docker Nginx
Lambda Kibana Docker-Compose
SQS CloudWatch

Currently on my bookshelf:

  1. Hands on Hacking: Become an Expert at Next Gen Penetration Testing and Purple Teaming
  2. UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook
  3. The Phoenix Project: A Novel about IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win

Get in touch

✉️ Say hello at hello[at]

Website generated using markdown-to-html-github-style

member of the blue team of 512KB club